Thursday, 7 September 2017

Sonic Mania - Road to 100% - Knuckles's Story

Now after uploading 100% of Sonic's story in parts containing each level, I am bringing more of a compilation of clips from Knuckles's story which contain a lot of differences. However not enough to have individual levels per part! Me and Tom are both present in this video as we push to see if knuckles contains a different ending!

Some funny stuff goes down in this episode, being it a bit long (almost an hour!), I still wanted to show off some stuff from each level! ESPECIALLY IF THERE WAS ANYTHING NEW! There will be 2 MORE videos to Sonic Mania, before we are officially done with it (until I begin our speed run series) 1 video being that of Tails's story, and another playing all the sound tracks from the game.

As of Monday, this game has been 100%, I have seen all there is to see, and is super excited for the next installment (which is proven through an achievement saying "See you next game!") and be we will be on it the day it releases.

Still sticking to Monday - Friday 6pm GMT uploads, probably one of the best decisions I have made to keep myself motivated, giving me a schedule to stick to.

Thanks for Reading,

Keep Blogging,


P.s at 9:54 for some unknown reason, when rendering out the clip (which took all night by the way) decided that it wasn't going to render a short snip it from the 1v1 video me and Tom did. Basically in the short of it, tom glides through a barrier (knuckles and tails's flying abilities for some reason allow them to clip through barriers) its about a 10 second black screen, and if I was to re-render it, I wouldn't make the 6pm upload that I have been doing. So apologies for that!

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