Sunday, 29 October 2017

Spyro 2: Gateway To Glimmer [Road to 100%] [#01] Monk Colosi

Spyro 2: Gateway To Glimmer [Road to 100%] [#01] Monk Colosi

Jumping to a franchise people are familiar with... SPYRO! Croc all done and finished now, we are now uploading Spyro 2 - Gateway to Glimmer (or USA versions - Ripto's Rage) episodes. In the last massive post, the last time we touched Spyro from a recording stand point was way back in 2015! Tom has obviously played it since, with all his speed runs he does, but it was a nice fresh revisit!

Spyro to me, is something which far surpasses that of Crash Bandicoot who was known for revolutionizing 3D platformers. Although Spyro never really got such a title like that, it brought something different to the mix even with characters like Mario and Sonic already dominating the gaming world.

Being able to control a dragon, breath fire, and explore a world collecting gems was absolutely crazy! No one can pick up this game and think bad of it, its always a fun experience years on! Has it ages poorly? In my opinion NO! There is still amazing things that can happen in the game, multiply different ways of playing it, graphics are not everything when it comes to just how good it feels to use the character!

Watch along in what could be a 5 part-ish story about SPYRO THE DRAGON! These video are going to be fairly long, but well worth the watch! I was going to do a part a level, but sometimes levels are extremely short (speedways etc) and some are really long, so I thought, its just best to keep it around an hour long, and just see how it goes!

Link to Youtube video -

Link to Youtube Channel -

Link to Facebook Page -

Thanks for watching


Friday, 27 October 2017

Croc Legend of The Gobbos - Road To 100% Part 11 - 100% Ending

Back with another on time 6pm GMT upload! The final episode of Croc: The Legend Of The Gobbos! Where we unlock a secret hidden word (by collecting everything in the previous 4) and head straight for that 100% ending!

This game overall has had some of the best laughs on this channel just by how horrible the gameplay feels. However it will now lie in the 100% completed section on my channel.

100% Completed Games uploaded so far on GamingElectro (in order of first upload)

- Spyro the Dragon (Spyro 1) - Feb 18, 2015 7:41 PM

- Crash Bandicoot (Crash 1) - May 7, 2015 12:12 AM

- Simpsons Hit and Run - Oct 5, 2016 10:26 PM

- Sonic Heroes - Oct 15, 2016 7:28 PM

- Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - Dec 23, 2016 11:37 AM

- Croc Legend of The Gobbos - Jan 13, 2017 1:39 PM

- Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic 1) - Jan 23, 2017 12:03 PM

- Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped - Jun 11, 2017 1:40 PM

- Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy: Crash Bandicoot - Jul 1, 2017 6:25 AM

- Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy: Cortex Strikes - Jul 16, 2017 3:06 PM

- Sonic Mania - Aug 19, 2017 7:50 PM

- Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy: Warped! - Sep 18, 2017 6:00 PM

Games still yet to be completed (in order of first upload)

- Shadow The Hedgehog - Nov 21, 2016 5:21 AM

- Sonic Battle - Jan 31, 2017 1:40 PM

Games recorded, and yet to be edited and uploaded (in any order)

- Zelda Ocarina of Time

- Super Mario 64

- Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - 100% completed

- Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - 100% completed

Games we plan on completing at some point (just a few, because we want to complete everything!)

- Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Sonic 3) - Sega Megadrive

- Spyro: Year of the Dragon (Spyro 3) - Playstation 1

- Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure - Gameboy Advanced

- Sonic Spinball - Sega Megadrive

- Rugrats (and Rugrats Golf) - Playstation 1

- Pacman World - (and Mrs Pacman World) - Playstation 1

- Rayman - Playstation 1

- Spyro Enter The Dragonfly - Playstation 2

- Lego Star Wars - PC

- The Simpsons Game - Playstation 2

- Donkey Kong Country (1 and 2) - Super Nintendo Entertainment System

- Zelda Majora's Mask - Nintendo 64

- Sonic Advanced (1, 2 and 3) - Gameboy Advanced

- Toy Story 2 (because 1 sucks) - Playstation 1

- Mario Bros (1, 2 and 3) - Nintendo Entertainment System

- Super Mario World - Super Nintendo Entertainment System

- Harry Potter and Sorcerer's Stone (and The Chamber of Secrets) - Playstation 1


Me and Tom​ have put hours into these videos to get to 100%, I have then put many more into editing, and it all slowly comes together. I wish to upload at least 3 more games to 100% by the end of the year.

Link to video -

Link to Youtube channel -

Link to Facebook page -

Thanks for watching,


Monday, 23 October 2017

Croc Legend of The Gobbos - Road To 100% Part 9 - En Garde!

Back with another Croc video, probably one of the funniest moments coming from a Croc enemy, as they seem to fall from the sky screaming "EN GARDE"

Coming up to the end of Croc now, with only a few more videos. Hopefully we are not dumb enough to start Croc 2...

Sorry for more of a late upload. Been addicted to PUBG as of recent, and its taking away from the time where I would edit these videos, hopefully when Croc is out of the way, I can get back to a regular upload.

I usually upload Mon - Friday 6pm GMT on my youtube channel and facebook page links found below.

Youtube Video Link -

Youtube Channel Link -

Facebook Page Link -

Thanks for watching,

Keep Blogging,


Saturday, 21 October 2017

Good Bye My Lover, Good Bye My Friend! - PUBG SHORT CLIP #1

Starting a small series that may or may not continue for very long, but I understand most people do not have 30 minutes a day to sit and watch someone play a game. So I am making a series based around smaller shorter clips, not longer than a minute. Where you can see roughly what goes on in the longer video!

In this first clip, we are playing PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds! I watched a video a while back about how you could go full speed into vehicles and stop completely in your tracks... Since that video they have obviously done some updates, and well, it no longer works...

Thanks for watching,

Keep Blogging,


Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Croc Legend of The Gobbos - Road To 100% Part 8 - THIS IS SPARTA!

Not 6pm, but close enough! Bringing another Croc - LEGEND OF THE GOBBOS! Episode! Where we take on Balloon Boy? Some of the voice acting in this game is just so unreal, watch the first minute of the clip to understand...

Only a few more episodes left of Croc before we move onto something else, we got alot planned for the rest of the year. Hopefully all goes as planned and I don't get burnt out again!

Link to video -

Link to channel -

Thanks for watching,


Monday, 16 October 2017

Croc Legend of The Gobbos - Road To 100% Part 7 - Continue?

Back with another video today! Been a while since the last upload, kinda just hit a breaking point of "whats the point" but think it was me burnt out from all the Sonic Mania/Crash Bandicoot videos I made. But never the less, I will try to continue the Monday - Friday 6pm GMT schedule, but at this moment in time, I can't say for sure that I can meet each deadline.

In this part, we face off against two bosses; one being a water boss and the other being the fellow on the thumbnail (desert related boss) Myself and Tom get to see the "continue" screen a few too many times in the part as the difficulty begins to spike. Luckily we found some exploits in the game to help us defeat the boss!

Thanks for watching,

Keep Blogging,


Monday, 9 October 2017

Croc Legend of The Gobbos - Road To 100% Part 6 - Croc Returns

Back with another Mon - Fri 6pm GMT upload! Returning to a game we dropped around 8 months ago due to other titles being released (Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy + Sonic Mania) We are going back to finish uploading all the games we left mid way through. The video itself is over 9 months old, with better editing than what the last part had. I have upped my game in editing since back then, and now take more time with each upload! 

The game we are returning to is "Croc, Legend of the Gobbos!" One of  Tom's classic games he played as a kid. While playing this game, neither of us knew how to 100% complete the game, but spoiler warning, we found out in the end! However in this part, we didn't have a clue, and Tom's rage grows as I seem to do everything but the correct thing. + we get to meet an elephant.....

Returning back to our "Road to 100%" for a while, might start making Mondays something different, give me time to edit it over the weekend for example! When upload the Last Man Standing video, it was a day late due to trying to edit it in a night, which just isn't healthy. But we will see how it pans out this week!

Link to Youtube Video -

Link to Youtube Channel -

Link to Twitter -

Thanks for watching,

Keep Blogging,


Saturday, 7 October 2017

Last Man Standing : Part 4 - 1st Place Victory - Duo's

Today I am uploading a video which was meant to be up yesterday, however my ideas and thoughts for this video, ended up taking me 10x as much time as I would have liked. I want to keep to my Mon - Friday 6pm GMT schedule, so to make up for missing yesterday, I grinded all last night, till 5am this morning to get it rendered and ready for today at 6pm.

Continuing the small break away from my road to 100%, I am returning to another game we played on my channel "Last Man Standing!" Very similar to Player Unknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) The aim is to survive to the end and claim "You are the last man standing" (sorry no chicken dinners here) You start of with 100ish players on an island, and you slowly get pushed to a location on the map via a barrier (referred to the blue in PUBG) Where you quickly engage other players and can use things like "instant heals" and "Shields" to help stay alive, with a fairly large range of weapons!

Last Man Standing is a free game on steam, and can be picked up today! It asks you to create an account with an email (However you can write anything in the email as long as it ends in @hotmail @gmail etc. aslong as you can remember it, it doesn't matter.)

Download the game here -

Its a really good game to play if you can not afford PUBG, and have a fairly average PC.

In this video, Lewis Milligan​ absolutely dominates at the end of the clip, showing us gamers truly what it means to be "John Wicked". Tom Huntington​ makes an appearance in this in our squad games, telling some rather offensive jokes (so you have been warned). We get 3rd, 2nd and 1st all in this gameplay, so give it a watch and see how its done!

Thanks for Watching,

Keep blogging,


Thursday, 5 October 2017

You Laugh, You Lose! 90% Anime Cracks!

Back with another 6pm GMT Mon - Fri upload! Today I am bringing something a little different from my normal stuff. We have now fully completed Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy, so I wanted to take a quick break from Road to 100% to upload some other things I had in the works!

At the end of each of my videos I have a small clip from another persons video that I found funny that day. Some of them have my edits over them aswell! I decided to cut all the ending clips and place them in order, so Day 1's clip is at the beginning and Day 31's clip is at the end. I feel like making these compilations monthly!

You Laugh You Lose, is a current growing set of videos on Youtube at the minute! I found it hard to make it through all these videos with out laughing and I challenge you to do the same!

The beginning clips are more rough around the editing, but slowly progress to more of my prime edits! So in a way, its kinda like the video gets more challenging as it progresses!

This YLYL video is mainly anime based, so if you watch anime (mainly the newer bigger ones but some classics in between) then you will find this very hard!

Thanks for Watching,

Keep Blogging,


#Anime #Youlaughyoulose #youtube #compilations

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy: Warped! DLC 1 - Stormy Ascent

Back after a few days, due to BT failing to send me a working router. However I still prepared videos to be uploaded when receiving the hub!
This video is the last of the #Crashtrilogy (for now) being DLC 1 - Stormy Ascent!
This level is meant to be the hardest (harder than dark souls) of all the levels in Crash Bandicoot... and they are not wrong. Me and Tom died countless of times, so many in fact that the whole video is just one big edit.
Upon each death, me and Tom switch who's playing, as we make our way through, all I can say is, we are lucky we went into the level with a 100% completed game, so we had enough lives to spare...
Thanks for Watching,
Keep Blogging, 
#Crashbandicoot #Crash #Bandicoot #Blogger #Cocobandicoot #Coco #DLC #StormyAscent #CrashTrilogy #PS4