Thursday, 31 August 2017

Sonic Mania - Road to 100% Lava Reef - First Reactions!

Another 6pm upload I bring another Sonic classic Lava Reef! Known from a previous installment - Sonic 3 & Knuckles! In this part we get some flash backs to the previous version, and then #ChristianWhitehead #HeadCannon and #PagodaWestGames curve balled us a wacky boss... That I F**king love! Everything from this level was great, from the music to the art work. Please give it a watch and see for your self what a great remake can bring.

Sonic Mania is now available on the steam release as of the 29/08/2017 and in my opinion its better. so check it out on this link here -

As always here is the Youtube link for the video -
here is a link to my channel -

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Thanks for Watching,

Keep Blogging,


Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Sonic Mania - Road to 100% Oil Ocean - First Reactions!

Back again with another daily 6pm upload!

We are taken back to an old familiar level to those of you who are old enough to recognize Sonic 2's Oil Ocean! However this time, we are greeted by a very strange robot...

The small details added to this level such as: the oil on fire, submarines and more alike really help show how much this game is developing the Sonic 2d gameplay!

Thank you again Sega for letting these teams get to work, and really show what made sonic so good!

Youtube Link -

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Sonic Mania - Road to 100% Oil Ocean - First Reactions!

Back again with another daily 6pm upload!

We are taken back to an old familiar level to those of you who are old enough to recognize Sonic 2's Oil Ocean! However this time, we are greeted by a very strange robot...

The small details added to this level such as: the oil on fire, submarines and more alike really help show how much this game is developing the Sonic 2d gameplay!

Thank you again Sega for letting these teams get to work, and really show what made sonic so good!

Youtube Link -

Thanks for Reading,

Keep Blogging,


Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Sonic Mania - Road to 100% Mirage Saloon - First Reactions!

Back again with another 6pmISH upload, still sticking to that daily upload, which in my self I am proud of!

In this part we visit a new stage brought to us from the #SonicMania team, Mirage Saloon! We get to play through some interesting new game mechanics and get to see the Tails's plane return! The boss in this stage is interesting as we get to meet some old familiar faces from Sonic the Fighters! We have Bark the Polar Bear, Bean the Dynamite and Fang the Sniper.

Click on the link/video and give it a watch, leave a comment about your thoughts on the new levels so far, if you liked the episode, slap a like on it! and if you want to see videos similar to this one, consider subscribing!

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Sonic Mania - Road to 100% Mirage Saloon - First Reactions!

Back again with another 6pmISH upload, still sticking to that daily upload, which in my self I am proud of!

In this part we visit a new stage brought to us from the #SonicMania team, Mirage Saloon! We get to play through some interesting new game mechanics and get to see the Tails's plane return! The boss in this stage is interesting as we get to meet some old familiar faces from Sonic the Fighters! We have Bark the Polar Bear, Bean the Dynamite and Fang the Sniper.

Click on the link/video and give it a watch, leave a comment about your thoughts on the new levels so far, if you liked the episode, slap a like on it! and if you want to see videos similar to this one, consider subscribing!

Thanks for Reading,

Keep Blogging,


Monday, 28 August 2017

Sonic Mania - Road to 100% Hydrocity - First Reactions!

Back after a weekend off, from now on I will only be uploading videos at 6PM UK GMT Monday to Friday. Weekends I will be taking a break from editing, and getting the next weeks episodes ready.
In this part, we return to a fan favorite from Sonic 3, Hydrocity! Sonic's second full water level (first being Labyrinth Zone). We get to see some new mechanics added in, as well as the ability to use Eggman's ship.

I was laughing so hard during this boss fight, not because it was bad, it was just so perfect. I have loving everything the teams have done. I can not wait for more installments from Christian Whitehead, Cannonhead and PagodaWest Games.

Thanks for Reading,

Keep Blogging,


Friday, 25 August 2017

Sonic Mania - Road to 100% Stardust Speedway - First Reactions!

Another daily upload where we come across another new level called "Stardust Speedway". #Sonicmania is still impressing us with each new zone. Listening to new music, new versions of old music, flash backs to older bosses. Still loads of laughs to be had, can't wait to release the final few episodes.

All I hope for now is a second cartridge (dlc...) to slide onto the original game for even more excitement.

Thanks for Reading,

Keep Blogging,


Thursday, 24 August 2017

Sonic Mania - Road to 100% Press Garden - First Reactions!

Back again with another daily upload! I am uploading at 6PM every day now on my Youtube channel! I do apologise that I am late to sharing this part, however if you subscribe over at and ding dong that notification bell. You will be notified on each release.

In this part #SonicMania we start to see a few bugs here and there. In the first 10 seconds of this clip, you see 2 Tails? For some reason it turned sonic into tails, but more on that later.

We are playing a new zone called "Press Garden" where we fight a ninja (Shinobi) robot? watch the video above to see what he does and our reaction to it!

Thanks for Reading,

Keep Blogging,


Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Sonic Mania - Road to 100% Flying Battery - First Reactions!

Having a blast from the past! Sonic 3's Flying Battery makes a return with a brand new boss!

Tom is taking control in this part, and boy there are some deaths in this part. Also a few laughs to be had on the final boss, but remember, there are even bosses on act 1 now. So even more content provided to us from those over at SEGA of America, Christian Whitehead, Headcannon, PagodaWest Games!

So far we are about half way through the game (in terms of recording - we completed it on release) and there is much more to come, so please give the video a watch, and subscribe to see future content from any other retro games being remastered *cough* Spyro The Dragon *cough*

Thanks for Reading,

Keep Blogging,


Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Sonic Mania - Road to 100% Studiopolis - First Reactions!

Hello and welcome back to my blog about my Youtube Channel!

Today I am bringing you a brand new level given to use from Sonic Mania and its called "Studiopolis". Eggman takes on show biz, when he retired and this is what he created. However pesky sonic is pushing his way through, and Eggman sends his minions with... Baseball Bats?

Being a completely new level, me and Tom have to find our way through the stage meeting new enemy's, and old ones removed from Sonic 1. The music is new, and is really up beat. We have only seen part of this level through the trailer.

Thanks for Reading,

Keep Blogging,


Monday, 21 August 2017

Sonic Mania - Road to 100% Chemical Plant - First Reactions!

Back again with part 2 of Sonic Mania! Today we are playing Sonic Mania's Chemical Plant, and recording our reactions to it.

Also by the thumbnail, you can see the Eggmans Mean Bean Machine has made its appearance! This great game was possibles, one of the hardest Sega Mega Drive games on the market. When reaching them final levels, it caused blood to boil!

Nice and fun, lovely remixed music. But wait? Pink water? Both stages?

I cry...

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Keep Blogging,


Saturday, 19 August 2017

Sonic Mania - Road to 100% Green Hill - First Reactions!

Its finally here, My favorite childhood memory relieved in a whole new game. 2D sonic has been needing a "blast from the past" to get it back to what the fans fell in love with.

In this video you can see how excited I am to play this, I currently have a really bad cold, but I did not care in the slightest. This video was getting done, and the videos after this contain our first reactions to EVERYTHING.

Being my choice of game, Tom had not looked up anything related to this. I personally made sure that I didn't see anything except the trailers. I avoided all early game plays, I avoided any talks about the game. I wanted it to be totally fresh.

I cannot express to you enough how much I enjoy this game, so please give it a watch, you might like what you see, and maybe consider staying around to watch more!

Thanks for reading,

Keep Blogging,


Thursday, 3 August 2017

Last Man Standing : Part 3 - Squad Garbage! Duo 7th Place!

On completing Crash Trilogy - Crash Bandicoot 2. Taking a quick break from Crash to bring another episode of Last Man Standing, with myself, Lewis and Tom​. Me and Lewis try to explain to Tom how to play, but tom has his own methods of victory.

Im not sure what happened in terms of rendering, but I will be returning to Sony Vegas 13 going forward. I have found far to many issues with the current Sony Vegas 14, the crashes make the editing more tiresome that it already is. Every time I change the colour of the font - CRASH, every time I open the software - CRASH. I have followed every guide on Youtube to try and fix is, but the problem continues to occur.

Hopefully this will help me push out more videos again like I used to. These crashes really caused me to slow down on the editing, just because I knew that it would take me so long just to put together the first 20 seconds before the intro.

However in the end, working on these videos really helps with my current depression that I am facing, and I can look at the good times I share with the only two people in my life - Tom and Lewis!

Thanks for reading,

Keep Blogging,


Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy: Cortex Strikes Back Part 5 - Dr. Neo Co...

After loosing part 4 due to hard drive related matter, I wanted to quit. I wanted to give up spending hours on end every night editing my videos, due to loosing a single part. But then, after some thought, I have edited over 100 videos. I have spent hours and hours worth of work at the computer. So I decided, 1 part wont hurt, so I have decided to release part 5 in the hopes that eventually, it will pop up in my hard ware recovery tool. If it fails to do so, then if I continue to make more and more episodes, eventually it will be a much less percentage that I have missed.

It was a good episode based around the icy levels, and me and Tom​ raged a fair bit. So as we mourn our loss over part 4, please give part 5 a watch. Its not about how you get knocked down, but how you get back up!

Part 5 - friendly Nitros?

Thanks for reading,

Keep Blogging,
