Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Resident Evil 7 Part 4 - Marguerites Rival

Hello and welcome to part 4 of RE7. I do apologise for the delay between parts. I have been very busy with my day to day life. Which put alot of things on hold. It make continue for a few weeks, but when everything settles down I will have another schedule to keep to.

I hope you enjoy this hour special, please leave a like if you enjoy.

Thanks for reading,

Keep Blogging,


Saturday, 4 March 2017

Amazon Prime Membership 30 Days!

Hello, today I am sharing a 30 Day trial code for those who follow my blogs or follow my Youtube page.

This is not only a great deal for those who are reading, but also help me out alot with each sign up I receive. This is an affiliate program so I do take a cut from each member who joins, but this does not increase the value of what is being offered to you.

I have many more deals coming to you for those in UK and USA. Other places will be coming soon so please stay tuned for that.

Here is a link to my latest video, please check it out, another one coming out in a few days!

Here is the link to 30 Days Free Membership!


Please Enjoy Amazon Prime.

Thank you for reading,

Keep Blogging,
